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November 2024 Election Endorsements

The Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF) represents over 80,000 working Coloradans, through over 114 affiliated unions. Our membership is diverse and includes everyone from teachers, firefighters, and home care workers to electricians and aerospace workers.  We come together as the Denver Area Labor Federation because we believe in one simple idea: when working people stand together, we can create positive changes for everyone.

DALF votes to endorse candidates based on how they will impact not only our unions, but all working people in the Denver Area. We carefully consider how each candidate will help us fight for a more equal and secure economy where working people can build power, ensure economic justice for themselves and their families, and combat the influence of corporations and wealthy elites.

Voting is our chance as working people to support those who support us.  Who you vote for is your personal decision, but we hope that you will take DALF’s endorsements into consideration as you fill out your ballot. To find the Colorado AFL-CIO's endorsements, please visit:





County Commissioner District 1: Julie Duran Mullica

County Commissioner District 2: Kathy Henson

County Commissioner District 5: Lynn Baca


County Commissioner District 1:  Carrie Warren-Gully

County Commissioner District 3: Scott Brown

County Commissioner District 5: Rhonda Fields


County Commissioner District 2: Angela Thomas


County Commissioner District 2: Andy Kerr


Judicial District 02 (Denver): John Walsh

Judicial District 17 (Adams/Broomfield): Brian Mason

Judicial District 18 (Arapahoe/Douglas/Elbert/Lincoln): Amy Padden







November 2024 Election Endorsements

Trump Administration Tells Agencies to Restrict Unions in the Workplace

Federal agencies have been told to carry out Trump administration directives aimed at restricting the role of unions in the federal workplace and giving agencies the maximum discretion in taking disciplinary actions against employees, now that a court ban against many of those policies has been l

Read More > Trump Administration Tells Agencies to Restrict Unions in the Workplace
Trump Administration Tells Agencies to Restrict Unions in the Workplace
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Trumka Says Fast Action on Trade Pact with Canada and Mexico Would be ‘Colossal Mistake’

A key labor leader has warned House Democrats not to expedite approval of a new North American trade deal, saying that the agreement remains far from complete and that a vote in coming weeks would be a “colossal mistake.”

Read More > Trumka Says Fast Action on Trade Pact with Canada and Mexico Would be ‘Colossal Mistake’
Trumka Says Fast Action on Trade Pact with Canada and Mexico Would be ‘Colossal Mistake’
November 2024 Election Endorsements

There's an Easy Way for Washington to Fend Off a Recession and Help Thousands of Americans

It was just a decade ago that the Great Recession — the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression — upended life for hundreds of millions of Americans. More than 8 million people across the country lost their jobs. Millions more lost their homes and life savings.

Read More > There's an Easy Way for Washington to Fend Off a Recession and Help Thousands of Americans
There's an Easy Way for Washington to Fend Off a Recession and Help Thousands of Americans
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Will An Age of Activism and Strikes Lead to Union Growth?

One of the workshops at the Connecticut AFL-CIO’s two-day convention that opened here Thursday explored the lessons offered from “worker power resurgence,” a reference to labor’s extraordinary year of strikes and other work stoppages in 2018.

Read More > Will An Age of Activism and Strikes Lead to Union Growth?
Will An Age of Activism and Strikes Lead to Union Growth?
November 2024 Election Endorsements

NALC Member Counts on Union Plus to Deliver After Hurricane

Letter Carriers member Paul Trotman was lucky his house survived Hurricane Florence. When the dust settled, he applied for a Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant, a benefit of being an eligible Union Plus Credit Cardholder. He and his family used the $500 grant to get back on their feet.
Read More > NALC Member Counts on Union Plus to Deliver After Hurricane
NALC Member Counts on Union Plus to Deliver After Hurricane
November 2024 Election Endorsements

CSEA Member Gets College Education She Always Wanted

For her entire adult life, CSEA member Guaren Long has wanted to go back to school to get the college education she felt was missing from her life. When she got an email from the Union Plus Free College Program, she enrolled immediately and hasn’t looked back. With just five classes left, Long has been very happy with her experience and credits the program’s flexibility and course offerings.
Read More > CSEA Member Gets College Education She Always Wanted
CSEA Member Gets College Education She Always Wanted
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Our Economy is Broken. The UAW is Showing Us How to Fix It

A decade ago, General Motors was on the verge of collapse. Facing down an earth-shattering financial crisis, tens of thousands of UAW members agreed to help save an American icon — and the economy along with it.

Read More > Our Economy is Broken. The UAW is Showing Us How to Fix It
Our Economy is Broken. The UAW is Showing Us How to Fix It
November 2024 Election Endorsements

The Biggest Strike in America Is About How Much Bosses Can Gut Your Healthcare

When about 48,000 workers went on strike Monday against General Motors, they launched the largest American labor stoppage against any business s

Read More > The Biggest Strike in America Is About How Much Bosses Can Gut Your Healthcare
The Biggest Strike in America Is About How Much Bosses Can Gut Your Healthcare