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November 2024 Election Endorsements

The Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF) represents over 80,000 working Coloradans, through over 114 affiliated unions. Our membership is diverse and includes everyone from teachers, firefighters, and home care workers to electricians and aerospace workers.  We come together as the Denver Area Labor Federation because we believe in one simple idea: when working people stand together, we can create positive changes for everyone.

DALF votes to endorse candidates based on how they will impact not only our unions, but all working people in the Denver Area. We carefully consider how each candidate will help us fight for a more equal and secure economy where working people can build power, ensure economic justice for themselves and their families, and combat the influence of corporations and wealthy elites.

Voting is our chance as working people to support those who support us.  Who you vote for is your personal decision, but we hope that you will take DALF’s endorsements into consideration as you fill out your ballot. To find the Colorado AFL-CIO's endorsements, please visit:





County Commissioner District 1: Julie Duran Mullica

County Commissioner District 2: Kathy Henson

County Commissioner District 5: Lynn Baca


County Commissioner District 1:  Carrie Warren-Gully

County Commissioner District 3: Scott Brown

County Commissioner District 5: Rhonda Fields


County Commissioner District 2: Angela Thomas


County Commissioner District 2: Andy Kerr


Judicial District 02 (Denver): John Walsh

Judicial District 17 (Adams/Broomfield): Brian Mason

Judicial District 18 (Arapahoe/Douglas/Elbert/Lincoln): Amy Padden







November 2024 Election Endorsements

Trump Ramps Up Assault On Workers' Rights With Scalia Nomination To Department Of Labor

Donald Trump ran for president on the idea that he would help struggling Americans, the "forgotten ma

Read More > Trump Ramps Up Assault On Workers' Rights With Scalia Nomination To Department Of Labor
Trump Ramps Up Assault On Workers' Rights With Scalia Nomination To Department Of Labor
November 2024 Election Endorsements

UNITE HERE Member Finds Assistance Through Union Plus Strike Grant

When Honolulu UNITE HERE member Scott Abfalter walked out on a union-sanctioned strike last fall, he was able to get some financial assistance from an unexpected source. As a Union Plus Credit Cardholder, he was eligible for the Union Plus Strike Grant.
Read More > UNITE HERE Member Finds Assistance Through Union Plus Strike Grant
UNITE HERE Member Finds Assistance Through Union Plus Strike Grant
November 2024 Election Endorsements

The Soul of a Union Man

I was raised in a company house, in a company town, where the miners had to buy their own oilers – that is, rubber coveralls – drill bits, and other tools at the company store.

Read More > The Soul of a Union Man
The Soul of a Union Man
November 2024 Election Endorsements

UAW Member Sleeps Easier with Union Plus Job Loss Grant

When UAW member Gary Franklin found himself sidelined from his job by health issues, he knew he could turn to his Union Plus Credit Card for hardship help. He was eligible to apply for the Union Plus Job Loss Grant.
Read More > UAW Member Sleeps Easier with Union Plus Job Loss Grant
UAW Member Sleeps Easier with Union Plus Job Loss Grant
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Ohio Needs a NAFTA Deal that Works for All of Us. We’re Not There Yet

As leaders of the AFL-CIO representing working people here in Ohio and across the country, we’ve seen firsthand the damage from bad trade agreements, and no deal has done more harm to working people than the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Read More > Ohio Needs a NAFTA Deal that Works for All of Us. We’re Not There Yet
Ohio Needs a NAFTA Deal that Works for All of Us. We’re Not There Yet
November 2024 Election Endorsements

AFSCME Member Gets Assistance From Union Plus Disability Grant

When AFSCME member Deborah Van Horn was unable to work due to health issues, she turned to Union Plus for financial help. As a Union Plus Credit Cardholder, she was eligible to apply for the Union Plus Disability Grant.
Read More > AFSCME Member Gets Assistance From Union Plus Disability Grant
AFSCME Member Gets Assistance From Union Plus Disability Grant