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November 2024 Election Endorsements

The Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF) represents over 80,000 working Coloradans, through over 114 affiliated unions. Our membership is diverse and includes everyone from teachers, firefighters, and home care workers to electricians and aerospace workers.  We come together as the Denver Area Labor Federation because we believe in one simple idea: when working people stand together, we can create positive changes for everyone.

DALF votes to endorse candidates based on how they will impact not only our unions, but all working people in the Denver Area. We carefully consider how each candidate will help us fight for a more equal and secure economy where working people can build power, ensure economic justice for themselves and their families, and combat the influence of corporations and wealthy elites.

Voting is our chance as working people to support those who support us.  Who you vote for is your personal decision, but we hope that you will take DALF’s endorsements into consideration as you fill out your ballot. To find the Colorado AFL-CIO's endorsements, please visit:





County Commissioner District 1: Julie Duran Mullica

County Commissioner District 2: Kathy Henson

County Commissioner District 5: Lynn Baca


County Commissioner District 1:  Carrie Warren-Gully

County Commissioner District 3: Scott Brown

County Commissioner District 5: Rhonda Fields


County Commissioner District 2: Angela Thomas


County Commissioner District 2: Andy Kerr


Judicial District 02 (Denver): John Walsh

Judicial District 17 (Adams/Broomfield): Brian Mason

Judicial District 18 (Arapahoe/Douglas/Elbert/Lincoln): Amy Padden







November 2024 Election Endorsements

AFL-CIO Leaders Say Unions Have a Role In Saving the Country

In speeches and in press releases over the last year, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has pointed out that unions are uniquely qualified by their very nature to lead the country out of what he has called a “dark period,” a time when hateful speech and vitriol emanate from the White House and are

Read More > AFL-CIO Leaders Say Unions Have a Role In Saving the Country
AFL-CIO Leaders Say Unions Have a Role In Saving the Country
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Union Leaders: Keep Protection for TPS and Dreamers Permanent!

Union leaders want Congress to make protections for TPS holders and Dreamers permanent and won’t stop lobbying on their behalf.

More than 30 national unions and labor institutions sent a letter to Washington, D.C., urging Congress to stand by TPSers and Dreamers.

Read More > Union Leaders: Keep Protection for TPS and Dreamers Permanent!
Union Leaders: Keep Protection for TPS and Dreamers Permanent!
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Congress and White House Agree on Infrastructure, But Need a Way to Pay for It

Virtually everyone on Capitol Hill and in the White House seems to agree that the nation’s infrastructure needs immediate federal investment, and on Wednesday the call in the House and Senate was renewed: Figure out how to pay for it....

Read More > Congress and White House Agree on Infrastructure, But Need a Way to Pay for It
Congress and White House Agree on Infrastructure, But Need a Way to Pay for It
November 2024 Election Endorsements

AFSCME Member and Prison Psychologist Finds His Commuter Cool

Anthony Ngo, AFSCME Local 2620 member, purchased a new Chevy Volt with the Union Plus Auto Buying program. Because he purchased a union-made green car** he was eligible for additional savings through Union Plus.
Read More > AFSCME Member and Prison Psychologist Finds His Commuter Cool
AFSCME Member and Prison Psychologist Finds His Commuter Cool
November 2024 Election Endorsements

An Open Letter To Game Developers From America's Largest Labor Organization

If an investor was searching for the country’s most explosively successful commodity, they might look to the ground for natural resources or to Wall Street for some new financial instrument.

Read More > An Open Letter To Game Developers From America's Largest Labor Organization
An Open Letter To Game Developers From America's Largest Labor Organization
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Let’s Give Working People the Power to End Government Shutdowns

I understand why it would be insane to spend even a day without controllers, troops, Transportation Security Administration screeners, Coast Guard officers, FBI and Border Patrol agents and a laundry list of other truly essential workers employed by the federal government.

Read More > Let’s Give Working People the Power to End Government Shutdowns
Let’s Give Working People the Power to End Government Shutdowns