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November 2024 Election Endorsements

The Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF) represents over 80,000 working Coloradans, through over 114 affiliated unions. Our membership is diverse and includes everyone from teachers, firefighters, and home care workers to electricians and aerospace workers.  We come together as the Denver Area Labor Federation because we believe in one simple idea: when working people stand together, we can create positive changes for everyone.

DALF votes to endorse candidates based on how they will impact not only our unions, but all working people in the Denver Area. We carefully consider how each candidate will help us fight for a more equal and secure economy where working people can build power, ensure economic justice for themselves and their families, and combat the influence of corporations and wealthy elites.

Voting is our chance as working people to support those who support us.  Who you vote for is your personal decision, but we hope that you will take DALF’s endorsements into consideration as you fill out your ballot. To find the Colorado AFL-CIO's endorsements, please visit:





County Commissioner District 1: Julie Duran Mullica

County Commissioner District 2: Kathy Henson

County Commissioner District 5: Lynn Baca


County Commissioner District 1:  Carrie Warren-Gully

County Commissioner District 3: Scott Brown

County Commissioner District 5: Rhonda Fields


County Commissioner District 2: Angela Thomas


County Commissioner District 2: Andy Kerr


Judicial District 02 (Denver): John Walsh

Judicial District 17 (Adams/Broomfield): Brian Mason

Judicial District 18 (Arapahoe/Douglas/Elbert/Lincoln): Amy Padden







November 2024 Election Endorsements

‘Pay the Workers, Furlough Trump’: Federal Workers Rally for End to Shutdown

Furloughed federal employees and out-of-work contractors greeted one another Thursday with a sarcastic nickname that, on the 20th day of a partial government shutdown, captured their feeling of powerlessness: “Hello, fellow pawns.”

Read More > ‘Pay the Workers, Furlough Trump’: Federal Workers Rally for End to Shutdown
‘Pay the Workers, Furlough Trump’: Federal Workers Rally for End to Shutdown
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Union Sues Trump Administration for Making Government Employees Work Without Pay

A federal employee union sued the Trump administration Monday over the government shutdown, claiming it is illegal for agencies

Read More > Union Sues Trump Administration for Making Government Employees Work Without Pay
Union Sues Trump Administration for Making Government Employees Work Without Pay
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Autoworkers Ready to Fight GM Over its Callous Layoffs

Last week was a bad week for autoworkers and the future of our domestic industry. On Nov. 26, General Motors (GM) announced its decision to halt production at the Lordstown, Ohio, and Hamtramck, Mich., assembly plants, idling thousands of workers.

Read More > Autoworkers Ready to Fight GM Over its Callous Layoffs
Autoworkers Ready to Fight GM Over its Callous Layoffs
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Progressive Marriott Union Contract Could Have Ripple Effects

A series of settlements hammered out over the past few weeks between Marriott and its striking workers in Boston and seven other cities are ushering in groundbreaking benefits that could set a precedent not just for the service industry but for workers nationwide.

Read More > Progressive Marriott Union Contract Could Have Ripple Effects
Progressive Marriott Union Contract Could Have Ripple Effects
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Retired AFM Member Takes Advantage of Union Plus Rebate

When Gary Williams began shopping for new cell phones as holiday gifts for himself and his wife Dena last year, he quickly realized it was time to switch carriers. Williams is a retired member of American Federation of Musicians (AFM) Local 674 and a Union Plus Credit Cardholder, which gives him access to AT&T® discounts and benefits. When he learned about the AT&T smartphone rebate available to him, choosing AT&T was a no-brainer.
Read More > Retired AFM Member Takes Advantage of Union Plus Rebate
Retired AFM Member Takes Advantage of Union Plus Rebate
November 2024 Election Endorsements

AFL-CIO President: How Working People Defined the Midterm Election

There was plenty of punditry plastered across cable news last week. But, as the dust settles, there is one story that has come to define this election: working people standing together to make a difference. The labor movement unleashed an unprecedented political program this year.

Read More > AFL-CIO President: How Working People Defined the Midterm Election
AFL-CIO President: How Working People Defined the Midterm Election
November 2024 Election Endorsements

AFL-CIO President 'Applauds' Trump on Trade, But Gives His Record a Thumbs Down

Richard Trumka, president of the U.S.’s largest labor group, AFL-CIO, appreciates President Donald Trump’s stance on trade. However, as it stands now, the president does not have a record that helps workers, according to Trumka.

Read More > AFL-CIO President 'Applauds' Trump on Trade, But Gives His Record a Thumbs Down
AFL-CIO President 'Applauds' Trump on Trade, But Gives His Record a Thumbs Down
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Students Get Hands-On Experience In Building Trades During National Apprentice Week

Sponsored by the Milwaukee Building & Construction Trades Council and the AFL-CIO, National Apprenticeship Week celebrates leaders in business, labor, and education and allows them to demonstrate their support for apprenticeship programs.

Read More > Students Get Hands-On Experience In Building Trades During National Apprentice Week
Students Get Hands-On Experience In Building Trades During National Apprentice Week