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November 2024 Election Endorsements

The Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF) represents over 80,000 working Coloradans, through over 114 affiliated unions. Our membership is diverse and includes everyone from teachers, firefighters, and home care workers to electricians and aerospace workers.  We come together as the Denver Area Labor Federation because we believe in one simple idea: when working people stand together, we can create positive changes for everyone.

DALF votes to endorse candidates based on how they will impact not only our unions, but all working people in the Denver Area. We carefully consider how each candidate will help us fight for a more equal and secure economy where working people can build power, ensure economic justice for themselves and their families, and combat the influence of corporations and wealthy elites.

Voting is our chance as working people to support those who support us.  Who you vote for is your personal decision, but we hope that you will take DALF’s endorsements into consideration as you fill out your ballot. To find the Colorado AFL-CIO's endorsements, please visit:





County Commissioner District 1: Julie Duran Mullica

County Commissioner District 2: Kathy Henson

County Commissioner District 5: Lynn Baca


County Commissioner District 1:  Carrie Warren-Gully

County Commissioner District 3: Scott Brown

County Commissioner District 5: Rhonda Fields


County Commissioner District 2: Angela Thomas


County Commissioner District 2: Andy Kerr


Judicial District 02 (Denver): John Walsh

Judicial District 17 (Adams/Broomfield): Brian Mason

Judicial District 18 (Arapahoe/Douglas/Elbert/Lincoln): Amy Padden







November 2024 Election Endorsements

How Working People Defined the Midterm Election

There was plenty of punditry plastered across cable news last week. But, as the dust settles, there is one story that has come to define this election: working people standing together to make a difference. The labor movement unleashed an unprecedented political program this year.

Read More > How Working People Defined the Midterm Election
How Working People Defined the Midterm Election
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Trumka: Record Labor Voter Mobilization Emphasizes Pocketbook Issues

Organized labor’s record voter mobilization efforts this year, which started earlier than ever before for a mid-term election, emphasized pocketbook issues and – says AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka – will produce huge “momentum at the ballot box” on Nov. 6.

Read More > Trumka: Record Labor Voter Mobilization Emphasizes Pocketbook Issues
Trumka: Record Labor Voter Mobilization Emphasizes Pocketbook Issues
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Working-Class People are Underrepresented in Politics. The Problem Isn’t Voters.

The president is the billionaire head of a global business empire, and his mostly millionaire Cabinet may be the richest in American history. His opponent in the 2016 election was a millionaire. Most Supreme Court Justices are millionaires.

Read More > Working-Class People are Underrepresented in Politics. The Problem Isn’t Voters.
Working-Class People are Underrepresented in Politics. The Problem Isn’t Voters.
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Trump Administration Taking On Overtime Pay, Franchise Liability

The Trump administration plans to tackle two important labor policy issues in the coming months: overtime pay and “joint employer” liability for companies in staffing and franchise relationships.

Read More > Trump Administration Taking On Overtime Pay, Franchise Liability
Trump Administration Taking On Overtime Pay, Franchise Liability
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Working People Need Answers on Latest North American Trade Deal

It seems every talking head in Washington has been in a frenzy recently, rushing to either glorify or condemn the new North American Free Trade Agreement, known as the United States Mexico Canada Agreement. But the truth is that it is still too early to pass any final judgment.

Read More > Working People Need Answers on Latest North American Trade Deal
Working People Need Answers on Latest North American Trade Deal
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Trumka: 'On November 6 We’re Going to Have One Hell of a Party—A Scott Walker Retirement Party'

Richard Trumka came to Milwaukee Tuesday to fire up labor activists and tear into Gov. Scott Walker.

The national president of the AFL-CIO used his address at the group's state convention to portray Walker as a "little puppet" of the billionaire Koch brothers.

Read More > Trumka: 'On November 6 We’re Going to Have One Hell of a Party—A Scott Walker Retirement Party'
Trumka: 'On November 6 We’re Going to Have One Hell of a Party—A Scott Walker Retirement Party'
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Free College Program Helps Single Mom Achieve Lifelong Dream

Lorraine Llauger is a journeyman electrician and a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) in Orlando, Florida. Llauger hoped to earn a college degree, but did not know how she'd be able to fit college in with her busy life as an electrician and a mother. A coworker mentioned the Union Plus Free College Program, and within weeks, Llauger was registered and taking classes online.
Read More > Free College Program Helps Single Mom Achieve Lifelong Dream
Free College Program Helps Single Mom Achieve Lifelong Dream
November 2024 Election Endorsements

Houston AFSCME Member Confronts Hurricane Harvey Floods with Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant

AFSCME Local 123 member Demond Stanley used the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant after catastrophic Hurricane Harvey to assist with damage to his Houston home.
Read More > Houston AFSCME Member Confronts Hurricane Harvey Floods with Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant
Houston AFSCME Member Confronts Hurricane Harvey Floods with Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant
November 2024 Election Endorsements

In Labor-friendly Seattle, Unions Push for New Territory

As Labor Day approached, the movement that created the holiday flexed its muscle in Seattle, where the landscape has been transformed in the last few years by labor-backed measures protecting and compensating people like in few other places across the country.

Read More > In Labor-friendly Seattle, Unions Push for New Territory
In Labor-friendly Seattle, Unions Push for New Territory